Sunday, May 28

Free Fun

This month has been pretty blase, paying bills and basically driving myself deeper into debt - all in all, boring.

Boring, that is until last night when I checked my messages to find out that Karen had called from work to say that she had an extra ticket to go to the Bedouin Soundclash/Ben Harper concert.
Karen is great friends with Bedouin Soundclash so the ticket was free (tickets were reguarliyl $60, and the concert was sold out).
And the evening just got better. I rushed home from a drywall dump run with James (another wall has come down! It looks great) to Deer Lake Park, Burnaby just in time to catch the second half of the Bedouin Soundclash set. A beer later (compliments of a friend I bumped into that helped me speed through the long-lineup to
aquire beer by selling me her beer tickets, therefore bypassing the other long line-up to buy the beer ticket - what luck!), we were enjoying Ben Harper. A couple of songs in we were escorted by Eon, the base player of BS and super rad guy, into the VIP area where we enjoyed a great non-muddy view of the concert and FREE beer.
How could you top this off you ask? How about a Ben Harper-Be Good Tanya's collaboration encore. A great evening all around.
It's true, the best things in life are free...

Thursday, May 11

Narvaez Bay

Narvaez Bay
Originally uploaded by lindsayj.

happy birthday big jim

happy birthday big jim
Originally uploaded by lindsayj.

I heart Tylenol 3's

So in an interesting turn of events, I find myself in recovery from an operation that removed my appendix. It hurts quite a bit but I've decided that now, at James' place with internet connection, and with the help of some tylenol 3's, it was finally time to catch up on this blog. This post will, however, be written in shifts...

Basically I had a detoriating bad stomach ache that started on monday night, sent me home from work tuesday at 3pm, then to the med clinic at 6pm (the longest 10 blocks I've ever walked!), to the emergency room at 6:30pm, and under the operating knife at 11pm.

Some 'entertaining' events of the evening (if they can be called that in retrospect):
a) the overdosing screaming neighbour at the ER room who demanded oxygen, morphine, ginger ale and a sandwich (she didn't get the latter two, much to her despair)
b) the great ER staff who took care of me (and the many many students wishing to interview me - thank goodness for morhpine)
c) james swaying and having to poo partly from fear of the unknown and partly because of the 10th time someone asked me if there was a possibility that I was pregnant
d) the funny porter who told james to go find some women while I was under, rolled his eyes at the young nurse who bumpe an IV bag into my head, and told me not to worry about scars when I wore my "itsty-bitsy".

Thanks to all those who sent their best wishes, flowers and green sweaters from across the country :) I feel very loved.

So, I have definately been keeping myself quite busy in the last while.
April 24th-28th ~ Sailed through the Gulf Islands teaching grade 9 students about our coastal marine life. Very inspiring - amazing views too.
April 29th ~ BJ's surprise party (whoo hoo! it was a success! he was shocked thanks leah, eli, mel, and everyone else who came! photos are now posted)
April 30th ~ accepted a position change at the Aquarium. I'm now in charge of the dive programs. It'll be a nice change.
May 1st - spent first night in my new apartment. I love it! ~ small but great. Mi casa es su casa - there is floor space for friends.
May 5th-7th - Interpreters conference in Manning Park. Got some great ideas and met some good people. Also puked behind a wood pile.
May 9th - an impromtu trip to St. Paul's where I said good-bye to my appendix

that's all for now...time to hit up the pills again...