Thursday, May 17

Big Bang Baja 2007

James leaves today.
I leave on Sunday.
And since there won't be much opportunity to post for the next month (and since BJ has been convinced to document his wit in a blog dedicated to the trip), I'll save my stories for later and remain satisifed with being an influence behind BJ's Baja tales.

check out the Baja Blog here.

Tuesday, May 15

Summer 2007

james and the werewolf
Originally uploaded by lindsayj.
3 months ago I could never have predicted my summer to be what it is.
But here it is.
And what it is, is turning out to be grand.

Firstly I join James on the first month of his second mexican adventure as we attempt to beat the heat, going as far south along the west coast as is VW-vanly possible. I'm looking forward to surf, sun, mexicans, spanish, fires, photography, cacti...pretty much everything except scorpions!

Then I return to BC and fly north to work on a sailboat in Haida Gwaii. Big Tees! Totems! Money...

And then a break before I head back out on the boat. Perhaps a hiking/camping trip with friends?? (hint, hint)

fun, fun!
In this photo: Charley loves cuddling as much as James. It's so strange that no one jumped at the opportunity to have such a loving friend for month... hopefully my mom's not scared of werewolves.