Wednesday, December 19

Namu beach glass

Namu beach glass
Originally uploaded by lindsayj

Environment 1...

Score one for the environment.
A few days ago, far removed from my frantic, trivial task of making christmas cards, the nation's government leaders were discussing climate change in Bali.
Most of the world supported tougher measures to lower our greenhouse gas emissions, whereas (surprise, surprise) the US did not. The climatic twist (pun intended) was that Stephen Harper went on record to say that Canada agreed with the US.
"Wtf?" said canadians, roughly 110,00 of them, and signed a petetion to oppose Stephen Harper's 'canadian' opinion. Four days later, Harper changed his position and now we're setting tougher emission targets.
very cool.

Sunday, December 16

Lost and Found

O Canada
Originally uploaded by lindsayj
I've been feeling a little discouraged about photography of late.
You know, the usual, "What's the bother...?" , "To what end...?" , and "Why in the hell...?, blah blah blah.

I had seen these geese a couple days earlier and found the mind's eye content to be amusing.
I'm glad I brought my camera to work on Tuesday.
Fun wins again.

Friday, December 7

To do...

I am not without projects.
A quick scan of the apartment to take stock (which doesn't take long) finds me the following.

~ photography paraphelalia - photos, cameras, cards and now canvas printing materials
~ knitting supplies- one mitten, half-finished toques, etc
~ crafting items like beads, hemp and candle wax - I vaguely remember attempting this holiday craft. Anyone wanting to take this off my hands?
~ piano, banjo, guitar, bass
~ articles, books, research, words on paper - there's a lot of this.
~ balance board - in pieces.
~ laundry and dishes -not technically a project, but they never disappear....

And this is only those within my line of sight.

Meanwhile, on the big WWW there's no lack in clutter space for me to spew my unfinished projects to sites like this or this or this. I don't even want to talk about that infamous networking site that I can't delete myself from...

So has this blog become another unfinished project?
No time to answer this - have to go sort laundry.

Hello...Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me.