Tuesday, May 31

Help Wanted

Must have experience and knowledge in blog photo postings and determining whether a system is down or the user is just computer illiterate. Start is immediate, though pay may be delayed. Include personal photo.

Thursday, May 26


reflections: n, Something, such as light, radiant heat, sound, or an image, that is reflected.
Mental concentration; careful consideration.
A thought or an opinion resulting from such consideration.
An indirect expression of censure or discredit: a reflection on his integrity.
A manifestation or result: Her achievements are a reflection of her courage.

Plagued by indecision, better with hindsight, or fearing some unknown regret, I have once again been able to dramatize yet another small event in my life - choosing the name of a blog that likely will not get read.
Reflecting on my choice of Rants, it still felt not quite right (can I be loud, angry and confused that often? Did I want a drinking problem?). Kate asked what my blog pupose was. I stumbled over the explanation that "well, I didn't have one but I wanted to just, chat...about stuff...that was going on....and maybe put up a few of my photos." (bingo!)
My favourite photo shots, though perhaps cliche in content, are reflections in water. So I change my name again. Who will I be tommorow? (and will it start with the letter "r"?)

Wednesday, May 25


rants: n, long, angry and confused speeches.

For some unknown reason *they* wouldn't allow just Rivulets as the title for this blog so I stressed for a bit, sorting through my mind for self-descriptive and original words to use in combination with rivulets. Mel suggested spasm - that seemed to sum me up quite nicely for her so I thought "Sure, why not. Who's going to read this anyway?".
And then I briefly panicked. Did I want to let on to the masses that I have uncontrollable moments in life not unlike a muscle spasm? Who exactly was going to read this anyways? And who did I think I was that I even needed to create a blog? Most of my friends really don't know what that word means - even this bloggers site doesn't recognize the word in their dictionary. And what a waste of time for me, the writer, and you, the reader, if I wasn't going to say anything that was worth being said. I seem to already spend enough time using the computer as my main source of information and communication. Hydro can be quite expensive, not to mention the detrimental effects of staring at a pixel screen for moments on end...
It was this interlude that inspired the other half of my title.


rivulets : n, very small streams

And then suddenly I was starting a blog.
Mel asked me to choose a name and the first word to come to mind was rivulets. I thought of this word because of a song by the Tragically Hip, Flamenco, that has the line *..Walk like a matador. Don't be chicken shit and turn breezes into rivulets...*. I love flamenco dancing and it's a beautiful image that these words create - a strong dancer swirling in a fluid motion.
Later on, in afterthought, I realized rivulets could also represent my passion for nature. Or even my absent minded tendencies, for I have many rivulets in my stream of consciousness.