Thursday, May 26


reflections: n, Something, such as light, radiant heat, sound, or an image, that is reflected.
Mental concentration; careful consideration.
A thought or an opinion resulting from such consideration.
An indirect expression of censure or discredit: a reflection on his integrity.
A manifestation or result: Her achievements are a reflection of her courage.

Plagued by indecision, better with hindsight, or fearing some unknown regret, I have once again been able to dramatize yet another small event in my life - choosing the name of a blog that likely will not get read.
Reflecting on my choice of Rants, it still felt not quite right (can I be loud, angry and confused that often? Did I want a drinking problem?). Kate asked what my blog pupose was. I stumbled over the explanation that "well, I didn't have one but I wanted to just, chat...about stuff...that was going on....and maybe put up a few of my photos." (bingo!)
My favourite photo shots, though perhaps cliche in content, are reflections in water. So I change my name again. Who will I be tommorow? (and will it start with the letter "r"?)

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