Wednesday, September 20

Nerocystis nighmares

Just got back from a pretty fun trip up at my family's cabin on the Shuswap.
Much fun was had and many Transmetropolitan comic books were read (*note* - Spider Jerusalem is strangely my newest "super hero" crush. Saving [a pretty fucked up] world with words!).
The braincells took a bit of a beating but no more than the daily pounding they recieve from the city's toxic fumes and droning construction.
To say the least, I was relaxed. Even the scenic drive home was an extension of that, with only the numbing sensation in my left hip to remind me that we had been driving for 7 plus hours.

This morning over a nice (relaxed) cup of coffee, I read my emails and found not 1, 2 or 3, but 4 progessively panicked emails from Bluewater, redirected from the teachers, wanting an itinary from the crew that details the educational compents for the school trip I'm working in October.
What school trip, you might ask? Haven't heard of it? Heh, that's funny - it would be because I was only asked on the 13th to fill in for a recent cancellation.

Now I'm the one panicking as I prepare to be stoned by the students of the Higher Level Biology International Baccalauate Program because, again, I don't remember/ever-fucking-knew the latin name of the seabird that just dove down.

Chest feels tight...breathing becoming difficult...must find brain cells...Nerocystis nightmares coming back...


Miranda said...

I think you'll do fantastically. Farg the latin - stories of behaviour and habitat are always way more fun and interesting. Thanks for fun times at the cabin.

Anonymous said...

you'll be rad. no need to worry. they can't fail you... can they?

Linds said...

thanks guys...

yesterday I got a whole bunch of books from the library to *study* from for the trip. Heh. It was kind of nice to be "back in school" (but only because I don't have papers to write or test)