Wednesday, July 5

Here's Willy.

The other day I received change back from my pizza purchase which included a $5 bill with writing that said "Track this $5 as it travels around Canada!".
Today I logged on to the website, thinking that it was going to be either the blog of some nerd in Vancouver, or a porn website who had the brilliant idea to try a different marketing technique in order to get more hits. I found instead an extensive website that someone had put a lot of work into, and apparently had many participants. Of course I diligently logged the travels of my $5 bill and found out a bit about it's history, which as of now is very boring - it originated from Vancity where Seth then took it home and wrote on it.
As interesting as my soon to be former $5 bill's future is, it does beg a major question.
Why are we doing this again?

$5 - HNL2521126


Anonymous said...

because eventually bill gates will have to spend his days register every bill he gets... wha ha ha... :)

Anonymous said...

Hold onto it until you travel (or need to send five bucks to another part of the world) and get that fin's adventures started somewhere else on the globe. Spending it locally is boring.