Wednesday, December 21

Happy (ridiculously mild) Holidays!

Well, for the first time I find myself (sick) at work on Christmas Day.
Working today is actually not as big of a deal as I thought it would be and the extra ski money is definitely appreciated.

What DOES suck however is I am stuck with some sort of virus or bacteria that refuses to leave my system. At first it was the fever chills, then the headaches came, followed shortly by the bed-shaking coughs and free flowing snot, and now, today and yesterday, it is the loss of appetite - it feels like I have rotting guts and, very strange for me, I'm not the least bit interested in eating sweets. Dammit this is the wrong time of year to get this symptom. I started taking ColdFX however and am sort of sold on this product. I don't think it's curing the sickness, however it is holding the symptoms at bay, which in turn prevents me from curling up and hibernating for a week.

Tonight is Christmas dinner with my family and, another first for this season, we have 2 boyfriends joining us for Christmas dinner. I personally think it's better with the addition of other people (and a puppy) - the more the merrier. I also think my family argues less and acts less crazy when we have guests over. That being said, I did stress out last night worrying about how boring my parents can be. Some people wish their parents didn't get drunk or didn't fall off the roof, but me I wish my parents would do something exciting, drink a bunch, or even argue loudly about the colour of Santa's shoes. (sigh) The Christmas tree is always greener....

When I have my land and home and dog and family ALL will be invited. I consider friends as family so screw this blood relation thing and bring on the big Christmas gatherings!
Merry happy day of the seasons!! Enjoy your winter solstice however it be spent.

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