Tuesday, December 6

Travellers Itch

The last couple of days I've been housesitting for Jim - well he didn't excatly ask me to housesit, but I volunteered, worried that the rowdies here in North Van might burn down the place and shit.

Anyways, I don't own a TV, so while here I've been taking advantage of some fine CBC programming and Sunday afternoon was the best. First I watched the end of some tales of travellers who faced the desolate yet gorgous Dempster Highway. (I want to go North...)
Then I watched a special on a Newfie who claims to make the best snow shoes, possibly ever - he walked us through the process and I was convinced.

Now I've been thinking about travelling to Cornerbrook, Newfoundland in February/January with the sole mission to purchase and test out these amazing shoe shoes.

I like to have themes if I can when travelling - they don't need to be ridgid themes, but things that keep me focused, such as diving, or surfing, or photographing the "World's Biggest [fill in the blank] !". It keeps me amused.
Maybe snowshoeing could be a theme.

Heh, likely I'll be using the "saving money" theme yet again....maybe travel to Sooke or something wild like that :)


Dawn and Fred plus one said...

I like themes to when I travel! Or a goal (like 'must swim the reef' or 'must pick up that Aussie guy'. I too, have traveller's itch and spending my days in the basement of the McGill Library isn't helping.

Dawn and Fred plus one said...

ooo...just noticed that typo. sorry. i like themes TOO (not to). eek.

Linds said...

no worries dawn...mel frequents this blog from time to time and her yours and you'res and theirs and theres are absolutely unbeli...oh, hi mel!
just kidding! :)

so, themes, yes, picking up hot aussies, mmmm....