Sunday, July 10

'Tis the age...

There are many weddings that are going on these days, either within my circle of friends or just a few steps outside (ie my friends friend). And it's got me thinking...
Don't worry, nothing too original, just the same old "Why get married?", "Why spend so much money on a party?", "Will this ever happen to me?", "Am I not into weddings simply because my life hasn't gone that way?", "Does marriage work against evolutionary tendency?" and my favourite (the one that makes me feel like a horse) "If I wanted to get married some day, am I passing my prime?"... it goes on.
I probably shouldn't be comparing my life to those around me, but show me someone who doesn't, in some form or another, torture themselves with the very same comparison game.
To make matters interesting, most of my good friends were single up until a year ago and now this summer there's three more that will be checking the "Married" box on their taxes, all at once (I'm a maid-of-dishonor for two for them).
'Tis the age for 'settling down'.
And what if you don't?
What if that never happens for you?
What if you're content just knowing that the person you're with loves you?
(this is a hypothetical question and not necessarily my circumstance)
What if you just don't want to buy into the bridal magazines, and white dresses, and matching flowers?
(here come the questions again)

However, being of the sort that picks and chooses the best from the famers market of world traditions, one thing I do buy into are the parties (!!). I'm in the process of planning several and though it's stressful, it's a strange excited stress because it comes down to this... in the end, you're having a party!
Exclamation mark!

1 comment:

Linds said...

Perhaps. Now if only I could find a guy that was interested in that as well!!!

It seems all I can find are these lovey adoring monogomous men who couldn't bear to know what ditry things I want to do to their buddy...