Monday, July 4

Welcome to Vancouver..

On the way back from Stanley Park heading into the city I noticed, for the first time, a small inconspicuous brown sign.

"Welcome to Vancouver a nuclear weapons free zone"

Does this mean Squamish and Cumberland and Prince Rupert and all the other towns without this little sign are NOT a nuclear weapons free zone? Unless they've too placed their brown signs in spots where I couldn't notice until years later.
And is this sign intended to comfort the public, or to let all potential nuclear weapon carriers know not to bring their weapons in with them?
*Hmm, Sigmund, according to this brown sign we're not allowed to bring our nuclear weapons into Vancouver. Want to go Squamish?*

Doing some research, I found out that "The Canadian Government does not have nuclear weapons, opposes nuclear proliferation, and officially supports disarmament" however still supports nuclear deployment, testing and storage, etc.
That is, except for in Vancouver... if you believe in little brown signs.

1 comment:

Linds said...

jeez...good luck Ontario.
nucleur scares me.
something to do with the whole radiation thing.
I've taken too many chemistry courses and am leary of things that f*&k with electons and s%@t.