Wednesday, July 20

Stagette (1) and Jack-and-Jill party

The stagette to my family's cabin was fantastic. Even though on Saturday the sun refused to come out for more than 20 minutes (total time) , we have a great time doing girly stuff..and drinking (this included the 13-year old...just an little of course).
We tried to get into the Scotch Creek Pub (Mariah looks uncanny to Maile so we figured we could pass off her ID) but refused to go in when we heard that the terrible music we had come to drink to, was charging a $5 cover (!!!). Apparently "off north in the boonies" (like we weren't already in the boonies compared to Vancouver) was another pub we could drink in. Well, we tried.
So, instead we went home and like true PH girls commenced drinking, card playing, dancing, nude swimming and then more drinking and dancing. We now have a dance routine that is set to make it's premier at Maile's wedding. The K-OS song we're dancing to is fantastic with the main chorus singing "I tried it, but couldn't fight it, I just had to get back to me, oh yah, Whoo hoo (sung up high), back into the man I used to be". Heh heh, I love it. I pushed for this song.
I saw K-OS live in Victoria recently. I would definately go to see him again but next time will involve perhaps a little more dancing.
Oh and Sunday was gorgeous.
Last night's Jack and Jill party was also great yet different, consisting of a mixture of us younger PH crew (most also bearing a child or two), the groom's mom's Phillipino women's church choir, a couple of husbands, and a scattering of family friends. The highlights of this party were the food (oh my goodness, it can probably be assumed that if someone owns serving platters, they probably know how to cook a feast. She did.) and the Pictionary-like game that made these seemingly calm women turn into a screaming competitors. People were cheating all over the place, arguements over who won were loud, but everything was done in such a great humor. Photo's of the drawing were taken. It was very quite amusing if not a bit overwhelming.
At first, when I was handed a microphone to announce the game to everyone, I thought "how silly". Later however, when Samantha's (TeeJae's out-going niece) cries on the mic for attention were again unsuccessful, I realized this was not the first time a party like this had been planned, and the microphone had not been a joke.

Good times, good times, and more to come soon.

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