Tuesday, July 19

What every good wake needs...booze

Tommorow night (Wednesday), doors open at 9pm, The Cellar.

It was intended to be the celebration of both young belugas born at the aquarium, but under morbid conditions, it has now turned into a wake...with a free drink included.

There's been many opinions that have risen out of Tuvaq's death and I find it interesting that we point fingers at organizations, like the aquarium, that are attempting to change our environmental mistakes, even just a little bit. A place where people come and appreciate the beauty that exists off our coast, perhaps even connecting with plants and animals, raises the likelyhood that they will have new considerations when taking action or making consumer decisions. The belugas are in great care I assure you of that. And with a necropsy finding nothing, speculations about Tuvaq's death are nothing more than that. Um, can we point the finger for mistreatment of the wild animals back towards George Bush? Or maybe Gordon Cambell? Or the gazillion coffee companies?

1 comment:

Linds said...

Think indirectly.
As coffee companies see an increase in demand for coffee beans (which we all know is not exactly growing in the fields of Saskatchewan), the Amazon rainforest, well recognized as a globally unique and genetically diverse ecosystem with many unidentified species, will lose many acerages to farmers that are looking for a quick cash crop. Habitat loss is the biggest concern when thinking about the protection of animals (we'll leave the social issuses of the brazillian workers out of this rant).

The ironic thing is that the available ammonium and nitrate necessary for the growth of crops is quite shallow in rainforest soils, with the nitrogen cycle remaining balanced when it exists as a forest, but quickly becoming depleted if used as farming soil. This means that after a couple of years that land is unusable and new patches of the rainforest must be burnt down in order to keep up with the coffee bean supply...

Regarding the sack rumors, maybe I should drink more (organic fair-trade) coffee so that I am quicker ?!?